King Shakalaka
Title:The Strange Masked Leader
Hunted:0 (global, rank #1)
A crown-like object sits upon this leader of the Shakalaka's brow. Many a skilled hunter have been frustrated by the minions it attracts to its side. But be wary, for it's one powerful foe. When infuriated, it will unleash an unimaginably strong attack.
Elements: Fire
Ailments: Sleep
Weaknesses: Ice
ID: 176 (0xB0)
Size Type: Large
Not found.
Rank: G Rank
Generation: Second Generation
Hitzone Values
- The colors in the silhouette denotes the highest and lowest values for the hitzone type, while the values in bold in the table denotes the highest and second highest values for that column.The higher the hitzone value, the more damage you can deal for that damage type.
- Red: Highest values for this hitzone type.
- Orange: Second highest values for this hitzone type.
- Yellow: Third highest values for this hitzone type.
- Green: Values higher than 0 for this hitzone type.
- Blue: Values lower or equal to 0 for this hitzone type.
To see how much damage you can deal to each hitzone, you can consult our Damage Calculator.
King Shakalaka | Default | Default
Body | 70 | 70 | 70 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 40 | 20 | 100 |